There is something more about trails..

Kudr is always horny as hell to ride in the spring. He is like COME ON, LET’S RIDE!!! pushing me all the time and being upset I am not like that. Nobody else wants to hit the jumps early in the spring anyway since it is too soft, too lame, too inconvenient. Point is simple, there is something more in having and keeping trails. I do not need to ride lame shit in the April, I can wait a week or two to have stuff dialed to ride. I am super excited about nice weather, hanging out on the sun, working on some stuff that needs to be worked on, having a cold one, talking to friends and generally have a good time in woods out of that concrete urban rush. I mean all the things that were impossible doing for last six months due the climate in this part of earth. Ride is good, but it is not all about at trails.

I would use again some words by the master of the masters, Eric Hennessey. Enjoy the woods, spring is coming.

“The simplicity of being in the woods with friends, the pride you get from building what you want to ride, the meditation of time spent at the trails alone. Those are a few of the reasons why I needed to spend my first few days back home, in a tent in the woods.
And although the trails are drier than a cats ass, I don’t need to be able to ride them, to find enjoyment in being out there. The reason why i spend my time digging dirt in the woods, is not so i have jumps to ride. I can ride jumps anywhere. There is more to it than that.”Eric Hennessey.

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Holíč trails SK update

Hout je lesa pán a než přejdu k článku, tak bych chtěl Houtovi jménem celé naší crew poblahopřát ke čtyřicítce hehe, tak ať to šlape.

Holíč jede, sice zatím jenom jedna lajna, která nás nebaví, ale jede. Je nás málo a jde to pomalu, ale snad toho brzo bude víc, a jestli ostatní lajny budou fungovat, tak nebudou vůbec málo. Teď pohled na pravou lajnu očima Patrika Beni. Paťa za to slušně tahá a v galerce i nějaká šála od něj. Enjoy it

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Zase o rok víc..

Zase mě to potkalo, rok se s rokem sešel a zase jsem starší. Vlasy se stěhují na záda, záhozy najednou bolí a kocovina člověka nějak sejme víc, než tomu bývalo. No vždyť to každý zná, čas zastavit nelze. Leč neklesám na mysli, Foster je mnohem starší pán a pořád lítá po lesích jako za mlada. Letos se mi to zakulatilo, to se sluší to pěkně oslaviti, jak jinak než v lese. Takže tenhle víkend bude les a bude sud a bude se pít, šejpovat, zevlit, grilovat, možná se i projedeme, zkrátka si uděláme pěkný víkend. Les je skoro hotov, když vyjde počasí, mohla by to být i taková letošní malá otvíračka. Zváni jsou všichni, kdo přijede, přijede. Kdo chce přespat, nechť se nahlásí dopředu, ať nějak poladíme noclehy. V sobotu díky čau.

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Maras – trails loner

Trails need to be loved.. Je to tak, jinak by to člověk dělat nemohl. Nejednou jsem někde četl, jak je to tady těžký, jsem na to sám nebo dva, nikdo nechce stavět, to se pak nedá. Co na to říct. Snad jen vytáhnout Petra Žaluda alias Frenka z Hvozdnice, který zhola sám udržoval a dokonce i různě rozšiřoval svůj spot v maličký vesnici za Prahou. Sám jako kůl v plotě a ve své době to byl jeden z nejlepších trails spotů u nás. A teď je tu další člověk, říká si Maras, provozuje svůj trailsový blog a sám kope lajnu v lese nedaleko Havlíčkova Brodu. Začal prý minulý rok na podzim, lajnu má skoro hotovou. Checkujte fotky a dejte mu high five, stavět sám je velký mazec. Za mě největší respekt Marasi, díky lidem, jako jsi ty, se to tu začíná zvedat. Trails need to be loved.. Jinak to nejde. Hodně dobře ty kámo.

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Trails need to be loved..

“Trails needs to be the love of bmx, because there is no other possible reason that we would spend that much time, effort, money, pain, or thought on them if we didn’t love it.

Other riding scenes don’t require the love. It should be there, true, but its not required. Good trails don’t, and won’t ever, exist without the love, period. So we should focus on that, and not hate on others who don’t get it, or have it.”

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Anthem II Declassified – Geoff

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It’s so hard to say, but for me this rider had the best part in bigvid Anthem II. Now there is his declassified, amazing as well! We can’t wait for nextone… Who’ll be next week? What you think?

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Vans Dirt&Roll

Vans Dirt&Roll, idea of Kudr, that I already in the beginning refused to work on as too much work for no grand. However, Kudr had different opinion and finally made it. Vans Dirt&Roll, this very interesting connection of bmx event and music festival will be held in Jicin in the end of June. First official info here.

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Anthem II Declassified – Robbo

The next part from Anthem II Declassified, this time with Robbo. Stew Johnson could make Anthem III from this parts. I´m always looking forward to next episode. This part is pretty short, I would welcome longer one. So enyoj this flow.

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Clint Reynolds on Tree

Clint Reynolds is one of the nicest dudes and also one of the most talented trails riders ever. He’s got his own style, amazing to watch. Clint is owner of Credence bikes and most recently started riding for Tree Bicycle. However it does not mean Credence is going down, Tree stopped their frame program (read here), so Credence is still up. Good to know that, I like the brand, like the sticker THIS MACHINE KILLS FASCISTS, that was always on Reynolds’ frame. Enjoy this Tree welcome video of Clint, coming from Austin, TX, coming from Eastside, masterpiece for sure.

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Thanks anyone who digs

Velké díky všem, kdo o víkendu pomohli v lese. Radek a Maras z Havl. Brodu (respekt!!!), kluci z okolí Jilemnice, Liberec , Maňas Tomek a Mlaďák, který dal celý víkend. Díky za podporu lesa. Lajny rostou, když půjde všechno dobře, možná za 14 dnů bude všechno hotovo a pak se uvidí, jaký jsme dementi. Málo to nebude, rozhodně ne.

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