Ryan Taylor in Peynier

I think I had never seen Ryan at dirt jump before. But nowadays is quite common that the park riders take part in a huge dirt contests and they also win. I am not sure if I support that. I would have to take a deep think and write a lot about that (maybe I do). What do you think about that? Give me an inspiration. Should jumps will be build more difficult, e.g. like a trails with sharp landings, more technical and so on?

But it is true that Ryan deal with the jumps very well and show lots of his favourite tricks. Thump up for him.

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One Response to Ryan Taylor in Peynier

  1. hout says:

    Všichni by měli zkusit hlínu a hlína by měla jít do trailsova, to je jasný. Žádný hliněný funboxy s dírou, v žádným případě. Pojď si Frenku.

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