I bought my first camcoder in fall 2006. Being psyched on it resulted in having bunch of footages in 2007 and making BTCU video. Since that, we have been getting worse and worse every year, finally neither filming nor even shooting pictures at all this year. We just suck at this, I know we do, don’t know why though. We all are either way too chilled out or way too into riding instead of to shoot something. To have at least one record of two new lines built up last winter, we planned one-day filming session this fall. Forecast looked good, promised sunny weather all weekend long. Friday was beautiful, I felt like a shit sitting at work starring out the window to one of those days, when you just want to be at wood. Saturday was a different story though.. Allright, we had great time at woods, riding, chilling, BBQing, beer drinking and shit talking around fire, that’s all good so far. On the other hand, meteorologists fucked up with us pretty much, I have never ridden in such incredible foggy day, it was insane. Well, the edit of a good foggy day by Dwayne Dibley, L.E.S. trails, here we go.
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Ten BTCU je skvělý. Hlavně po takové době… Jak vlastně dopadl Backyard Digger ve Dvoře? Už je to asi jen minulost, že…
BTCU je taková nostalgie, je to zajímavý se na to zpětně podívat. Ten les maličkej, zahrada, přitom tenkrát to byl progres. Dvůr je myslím srovnaný se zemí, tam se makalo nejvíc ze všech RBBYD spotů a šlo to nejdřív do kopru, jaká to škoda.
Moc pěkný!!! A prosim vás co to je za písničku v tomhle videu?
Clawfinger – Do What I Say
Nostalgie je to každopádně nejvíc a ten progres byl tenkrát taky dost jinej… Plus v úvodu, především u Vápenky, a pak ještě u Lesa jsou výborně zvolené songy. To posouvá to video pak úplně jinam… dobrá práce.