Couple years ago Chase Hawk was the one, that everybody watched over here in Czech. The one, that everybody followed, tried to imitate, although nobody was even close. Kids used the nickname Chase to be cool, it was whole generation of riders who grew up on him, they said style like Chase, that’s what is going on, that’s what matters. This time has been gone for a while, gymnastic or street riding is on and for some reasons Chase is undeservedly out of the game, kids look up to new fresh heroes, whatever. To watch him ride is still delightful, nobody rides like him. And yeahh, of course Ruben, the legend. This edit makes me feel good, truly amazing.
Tohle video muselo vyjít někdy v době, kdy jsem začínal jezdit, protože si pamatuju, že jsem se pořád hádali jestli je víc ten Rubenův nebo Chasův table hehe. Kámoš byl přesně z týhle generace lidí, co Hawka nejvíc žrali a přesně jak říkáš snažil se o to samý velký vejšky, tably, šály, třišestky. Díky za připomenutí :).