There is a spot close to Český Budějovice simply called Lesík (something like „Grove“ or so in English) built by mtb riders, but it seems built with heart and quite interesting way. I have never been there and got a feeling it is time to change it this year. Anybody going to join me? Just check the pics, that Honza Kočer alias Tchitcha sent me. Not bad, ain’t it? They had a digging session last weekend, 15 people with shovels.. Fuck yeahh, it looks mtb scene works way better than lazy bmx pussy kids, unfortunately true. Anyway good job on the south.
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Ty vole čumím! hustě! Asi se připojím k Houtovy.
Pěkný a 15 kopáčů, to je neuvěřitelný:) Doufám, že se tam v létě dostanem.
díky za zmínku!! 🙂