Author Archives: Paul

Jeremy Muller

Jeremy Muller is one of the very few trail riders, who can shred either style or big tricks. Rare indeed. This edit from various trails PA included, damn what to say about it. Maybe that I don’t remember being impressed … Continue reading

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The Edits

So many good edits coming out last week or so, so many. Some PA Woods stuff, I am stoked on these. Remember times when edits from Posh and Catty were rare and every Janis’ PA Woods video was pretty hot … Continue reading

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Na stránkách Dirtbikeru se objevilo vidko z lesa, Kádr v hlavní roli. Pár dnů starý záběry, klikej tady a koukej.

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Pic of the week

Found this today, Clint Reynolds as Peter-pan roasting 9th street, nice.

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via Vimeo Halloween Jam at Catty, slow motion, slow music, amazing atmosphere.. I love this kind of edits, I do. This is awesome.

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Welcome Jam and Woodyard trails edit

Some sweet stuff was going on in trails scene recently. First of all, Welcome Jam at Potoczny’s residence. I remember talking to Mark’s mum two years ago after the last Welcome jam, she said it was so insane, so crazy … Continue reading

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Sunday chilling..

Perfect fall Sunday afternoon at wood, having a cold one, chilling with felas and take some runs time to time. What a great time, I love it. Trails are in shape, weather decent and woods beautiful. It’s the best part … Continue reading

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David Gonzalez – Possessed to skate

This is not about bmx, who cares though. I can’t remember, when I last time watched skateboarding video, if ever. But this one is a must. Truly insane. Check it out here.

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Rozhovor s eMTým o PA Woods a videjko

O výletu Maňase Toma jste si už něco přečetli, tady máte ještě kratší rozhovor a ilustrační video, ať je jasný, o co jde. Bohužel se v záběrech neobjeví lokálové, takže pouze Maňas na svý motorce, ale proč ne.

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Can You Dig It BMX . com

New trails focused website is out there and it looks really good. I missed something like that for long time. I read couple posts and hell yeahh, the dude has racing background and pretty much knows what is up, which … Continue reading

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