The Edits

So many good edits coming out last week or so, so many. Some PA Woods stuff, I am stoked on these. Remember times when edits from Posh and Catty were rare and every Janis’ PA Woods video was pretty hot piece. Times have changed, it is really cool to see more good footages from such incredible places. At last not least, Garrett Byrnes shredding these trails again, nuts.

Building the Underground is the video, that introduced me Solame trails many many years ago. We all were so much psyched on it, watching it all over again and again. It looked big, smooth and dialed. Since that, I saw few information about this place and even less footage, but for some reason I still consider Solame as one of the best trails in the world having adjective „legendary“ in my book. I found this sweet edit today and it feels good. I got the message, Solame is still out there, still running, awesome. And yeahh, the music rules for sure.

Austin’s best trails and though they do not have that many lines, the flow at Eastside rates them definitely to the highest top ever. Brian Yeagle is always fun to watch, ripping Eastside even more fun, check it out. Damn this edit makes me feel to quit my job just right now, jump into first plane to Austin and head straight down there to woods, where season is just started. Having a session with buddies, going to Springs to cool down and finish the day at Lustre Pearl drinking beer and playing ping pong with Nutter. Damn I miss it.

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4 Responses to The Edits

  1. kuba najman says:

    i did this videos yesterday after Adam Robenek told to me about it. Now i did it again on this page during my job, haha.
    I´m so lucky for clips wit GarretByrnes, he still know how to flow it!
    I would like to enjouy eastside and the rest of austin like you Paul

    • OndraS says:

      I watch this videos from PA woods few days ago. There are amazing. I looking forward to Robbo´s clips, but this time Garrett Byrnes is my superhero. I see only 3 videos with him (T-1, 2X4, and this one) and he kills it everytime. His huge kickouts in this video are absolutely mind blowing.

  2. hout says:

    Kaaadrrr, thats sick. HUCKER 4:20… WTF!!!

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