Tommy T., he is the man. I feel being really lucky, that absolutely by coincidence I met this dude. It was at the Heathens trails in 2010, Tommy was the first person I saw in US having a beer at trails. I mentioned that, in next second another cold one was given to my hand. I was starring at him for a while, Tommy T., the name was a bit familiar to me, maybe Brawlin at the Belmar, is it you? Of course it’s him, the guy who did not lose the cigarette jumping that monster bitch at first FBM’s Brawlin at the Belmar contest. I was like „hell yeahh, this guy rule“. We drunk up couple cold ones having good session at trails, got invited to his house for dinner and more beer, finally finished talking late to the night about both digging and riding trails, our life passion. I came back to his place two more times on my journey through US east coast and always felt being welcomed, felt like I met a good friend. Tommy is something what we call „hearter“ over here in Czech, it means fully dedicated to bmx, to trails. He just loves trails and all the stuff around. Good to also say, besides James Nutter also Tommy T. is pretty good candidate to be biggest ape in bmx, the guy is really crazy in best way. I think that many people would confirm it. There are bunch of proofs, one for all: Tommy knows how to spin 360, the thing is, not to be scared and get panicked, he closes his eyes in rotation, it works fine for him. Of course I saw him landed several perfect, smooth threes. Head also over to Heathens site for this weather forecast. He is ape.
Well, Tommy helped me out couple times on my US trip in 2010. Now he helped me out again, actually he helped PA Woods to raise their funds and Czech people to get cool tees. Thanks a lot buddy. As I said, Tommy T. rules, I wish more people are like him. Hope to see you someday over here in Czech, be ready for party. Cheers my friend.