It Only Takes Once

I had to stay in a hospital for a few days due to my knee injury. I suffered meniscus injury and I had to undergo the arthroscopy. Now I don’t have to walk for a week. That was first part of my therapy. The second one will be the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. It was horribly borring in the hospital and people there have a lot of time to think. I was thinking abou everything and the most about riding again and riders that got hurt much worse than me.

Mike Aitken is still one of my most favourit rider. He can deal with street and park riding as hell, but I thing the biggest show was when Mike flows throughout the wood full of trails. He did stylish tricks on the most difficult line of jumps in the wood and he has his bike absolutely under the control.

But shit happens and Mike went down on october 6th 2008 in PA. He was in critical condition in a hospital, but he is riding again today as you can see here.

But I would like to publish here the best video ever. In truth the best is only the first part of this video where Mike is killing it at Dew Tour. Amazing riding and great music. This combination gives me goose bumps. The second part is not so good but maybe it’s important to know that it could happend, maybe. I am sure that everyone of you have seen it, but why not to watch it again. I’m watching it very often as the same as his Anthem II part which is great as well.

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Next time I will be lying in the hospital I will maybe write about TJ or Stephen, but I hope in better posts. stay tuned

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8 Responses to It Only Takes Once

  1. onlykrep says:

    a po tomhle videu si ještě sednete na kolo jo?

  2. hout says:

    Sedneme a budeme to dělat pořád znovu a znovu, dokud to jen půjde. Stejně jako Mike.

    Ať to utíká Frenku a těším se na zajímavý posty, když teď budeš mít spoustu času..;-)

  3. kuba najman says:

    JO sednem! Aby ty rakve těch jezdců, ke kterejm vzhlížíme nebyli zbytečný, abychom měli furt pro co žít a taky proto, že je to prostě zábava.

    Frenku držse, koleno je shit, ale když budeš na všechno poctivej a trpělivej bude ti to fungovat.

  4. frenk frantik says:

    dík dík, už se nemůžu dočkat až se zase projedu

  5. onlykrep says:

    tak tomu říkám oddanost! tak to má bejt, palec nahoru chlapci

  6. maras says:

    Vydrrrrrrrž bejku !!!

  7. Fish says:

    Jedna z věcí, které k tomu prostě patří…a taky to, co nikdo nikdy nepochopí, pokud nejezdí/nejezdil… viz. otázky typu “Proč jezdíš dál, když jses předtím rozbil?” Byly časy, kdy jsem tohle poslouchal téměř každej den… 🙂

  8. frenk frantik says:

    dík Marasi, určitě vydržim, vidina toho všeho co s kolem a partou zažiješ mi nedovolí se na to vysrat, jen musim byt trpělivý a dat to pořádně do kupy. To ostatně odpovídá i na Fishův koment, taky to mam doma dost často na talíři ať už toho nechám, ale nejde to

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