FBM Megatour

FBM is one of the very few true bmx brands. I remember reading somewhere this or this team is amazing. I think that FBM team is amazing. Those people like to have good time no matter what is up, they just ride their bikes or chill with friends, always with beer and always with positive approach, far away from commercial nonsense of this world. High five for sure. Check this flip book of their Props Megatour trip from Texas last year and watch the video, Garret Guilliams at Eastside in Austin is unbelievable, for real. Finally take it as foreplay for another stuff FBM concerned that is coming soon, stay tuned.

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4 Responses to FBM Megatour

  1. adam robenek says:

    Už někdo ví proč se FBM jmenuje FBM?

  2. Holmes says:

    Fat Bald Men – Tlustý Plešatý Chlap. Řekl bych.

  3. hout says:

    Tlustí chlapi je jasný, plešatý kdo ví? Asi se budu muset někdy podívat na FBM history, pak vám to povím.

  4. honza says:

    jak si matně vzpomínám prapůvodně to znamenalo Fire Bikes Mayhem, poté co se Crandal začal podobat tlustýmu baldovi stalo se z toho Fat Bald Man 🙂 Jinak urban dictionary vysvětluje pojem “bald” jako “clean shaven genitals”. Ne vážně, jak to opravdu bylo se dozvíte tady.

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