Saavedra on Deluxe

Great news! I like that guy and his style… here is few DELUXEblog links for bikecheck, news and older videoedit. Are We waiting for new edit people? Yes We’re!

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Red Bull Roast It results

On Saturday February 18th took place in Queenstown, New Zealand a unique project from Red Bull (as usual). Roast It was big and in this quick news you can check results. Paul Langlands from New Zealand was awarded as a best rider, Jed Mildon won a best trick with double backflip and Brandon Dosch had to share best line award with Goerge Bolter. Here is his upside-down 360. Hope the video coming soon.

Red Bull photo galery here

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Pawoods edit

There is no other spot on this planet like catty Woods in eastern PA. Those people building catty are truly trail masters, for sure. It is them who set the rules how progressive nowadays trails can be built. Besides enjoying woods they have to also deal with collecting money to pay insurance bill for the trails, tough job nobody can imagine. Even you can contribute them some coin via watching this video, filmed in years 2007/2008 at catty and Posh. Comfortable way how to support them, ain’t it? Enjoy.

Go to for more videos.

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Expendable 2

Expendable 2 was one of the very first bmx movies I have ever seen. I loved that. Lot of trails, lot of big events shots, all the big names of that time. I watched it all over again and again. Then my old VHS player has gone and I could never play it again, damn. Thanks to era of digitalization recently, you can enjoy it or at least remind those old good times with me. Keep in mind, this is 1999, level of riding is amazing.

Check it out at Bmx Movie Database here.


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Zahrada Aleše Handzla

Zde jde krásně vidět, že trailsy jdou vybudovat opravdu všude. Stačí jen zatnout zuby a přehazovat půdu. Aleš jezdí strašně dlouho bikros a u jeho baráku se vyskytla možnost si něco postavit . Tak našetřil několik dukátů na bagr a ejhle co má. V jeho okolí je to s podmínkama na ježdění těžké, ale dokázal to!

Spot se nachází v Dětmarovicích nedaleko Karviné . Koukněte na video co dal do kupy Filip Kamidra .

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via Vimeo
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Hucker kills it at Lords Of Dirt

Short, but absolutely unbelievable video. Roll in presented by Mike Clark. I like this guy and I saw hang to front flip few months ago. What comes next?

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Brian Yeagle’s Flickr

Nice rider, good photograper… Let’s check some summer pics in winter(shiter) days

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Cameron White’s jam is always something special among dirt jump events and the last one with number six in the end is not different. Huge jumps, huge tricks, just bicycle motocross. Only thing, cut could be better I think, my point. Check it out.

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Red Bull Roast it 2012

New Zealand, Red Bull Roast it course, looks really good.

New Zealand is one of the best places on this planet, Kuba knows something about it, no doubt. And Red Bull usually really knows how to make a great event (no need to remind Elevation). Make it together you have something trully amazing. Red Bull Roast it 2012 coming this weekend and this is a teaser. Hell yeahh.

Red Bull Roast It 2012 – Teaser Video

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