Don´t ride in winter aneb v zimě se nejezdí

I agree with Paul. Don´t ride in winter. We didn´t go dig yesterday, because my friends, who I dig with, have some responsibilities, so I decided to go to the sk8park in my town (it was better then sit at home). There is quite good funbox, but with a flat landing, so it hurts, when you land. That´s the reason I love trails with steep landings (if you hit them precisely). I rode all the day and I scored some pretty high jumps. It was evening and I wanted to take last few jumps. I drop in and I was pedalling to get more speed, when something got wrong. You can see what was it. I loved this cranks and I believed, that I have them for a lifetime (naive idea heh). So now I browse the internet and look for a new one. Can you advise me, which one? Leave a comment with your recommendation.

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Holíč trails (SK)

Holíč trails is my home spot. It isn´t in the Czech, but in the Slovakia, only 6 kilometres from my house. This place has been existing since 2003 and in 2007 came RedBull, headed by Hout, with backyard digger project. After it, our spot moved forvard year by year. Our trails are supported by people from the city hall, so we can use irrigation used for wattering  the football pitch, which is next to our place. Weather got better in last days so we started to rebuild and repair jumps. Thanks to anyone who helps us. There is a gallery from the recent sunny days. Next info comming soon.

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Lesík near Budweiser

There is a spot close to Český Budějovice simply called Lesík (something like „Grove“ or so in English) built by mtb riders, but it seems built with heart and quite interesting way. I have never been there and got a feeling it is time to change it this year. Anybody going to join me? Just check the pics, that Honza Kočer alias Tchitcha sent me. Not bad, ain’t it? They had a digging session last weekend, 15 people with shovels.. Fuck yeahh, it looks mtb scene works way better than lazy bmx pussy kids, unfortunately true. Anyway good job on the south.

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more Anthem, more Brian!

Leftover clips and short edits of Stew Johnson’s ANTHEM II are coming like beercans from nearby gas station to our trails in summer. There is one of our most favourite trails guys BRIAN FOSTER. Read some interesting FAQS and enjoy the vid.

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Anthem II – Trails support catty.

After not touching the Anthem II hard drives for over a year, I have cranked them back up to release the ‘declassified’ series of unseen Anthem II footage, These edits are comprised of second angles and clips that didn’t make the cut for the DVD. Expect to see almost a dozen edits over the next few months. We will be releasing one edit each week on a different website, so be on the lookout for those.
First up, we have a collection of unseen trail footage that was filmed all over the world. Anthem has teamed up with Exclusive BMX to bring you this footage. Exclusive will be donating a portion of their ad revenue to the catty Woods insurance fund, so the more you watch this edit, the more you help catty Woods to survive.” – Stew Johnson

For those who did not live on this planet last year, we are talking about one of the best bmx films ever, Anthem II and Stew Johnson is the man who made it. What else to say. Ok, maybe you have lived on this planet and maybe  you already saw that, but it is good enough so far to repeat it and support catty Woods a bit. Anthem II  Trails Declassified, enjoy.

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Mám rád stránky Erica Hennesseyho s příznačným názvem – Je to blog člověka, který se rozhodnul žít jinak (nedávno například začal stavět boudu na stromě někde v Cali, ve který chtěl bydlet), než je nám diktováno touto společností a je s tím spojen i jeho pohled na bmx. Osobně se s ním poměrně ztotožňuji. Pamatuji si, jak se těžce vysmál nějakýmu rádoby „bmx“ campu Mike Spinnera, kde byl na programu strečink a trénink a posilovna a pitný režim a správný jídelníček a fyzička a údržba kola a já nevím co. Eric reagoval jeho campem v lesích, kde se bude zevlit, opalovat se, jezdit si na kole s kámošema, grilovat, pít pivo, kecat o ženských a komu se bude chtít, může se naučit, jak správně držet lopatu.. Zkrátka správný BMX camp. Hehe, geniální. Před nějakou dobou jsem na narazil na tento text:

„I grew up riding dirtjumps. before i knew what bmx was, we were riding dirtjumps we built somewhere. My favorite thing about riding jumps, is that it hasnt changed since i started riding.

Quo vadis bmx? Škola kola v Písku.

The last thing i want to do is watch “Lil Stevie” muscle his way through a 1080 bunny hop or do a bunny hop truck driver with a paper bag on his head. Or watch Someone do a tailwhip barspin flair to caserole over a box jump. Dirt jumping has remained untouched by the bull shit, come up, internet influenced bmx. You see the same tricks from 20 years ago. The simplicity of someone doing a toboggan or a tire grab over a double, is still in tact. Or doing nothing but jumping a jump. In the woods no one cares what you can do. no one is impressed with the circus act. I cant tell you how many times i have seen someone do some crazy trick over a dirtjump and nobody acknowledges it, and then 10 seconds later someone hits the same jump and kicks out the back end with style and everyone gives him a yell. Trail riders are a different breed. They work hard for a place to ride. and that appreciation comes out in their riding.“

Lesní underground jdoucí si hrdě svou cestou, cestou bmx.

Co dodat, dokonalé. Bmx se vyvíjí jako všechno, bikros už dávno poslal sám sebe do řiti a mám takový pocit, že fbmx se tam pomalu ubírá taky, viz. tenhle článek a video na TBB. Hennessey má pravdu, trailsy zůstávají tohoto cirkusu ušetřeny, jdou si svojí cestou v undergroundu a já jsem za to moc rád.

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Vápenka trails by Mark P.

Last year Mark Potoczny came to visit us, we spent a week or so together riding trails, hanging out and drinking beer. Damn good time. Me and Tomas we took him to Milevsko riding Vápenka, Czech legendary trails. Mark as always had his Gopro on, so now you can see those lines out there. Vápenka trails, summer 2011 by Mark Potoczny.

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And here some pictures of that day.

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“Thanks to anyone that digs” – BF

Brian Foster

That’s the words of Brian Foster. If you would like to ride the trails you have to know about this guy. It’s the basic thing. Paul could tell you the best of him, because he was lucky and met him on US trip. “If you’re looking to ride and have some fun, the scene is pretty healthy. If you are looking to get rich, It’s pretty tough out there.” Says BF. Our way is clearly given and there is the whole interview.

Brian Foster is the man. Originally top bmx racer with dirt jump skills has turned into most allround bmx rider ever dominating anything he touches. Yes, I have been fortunate enough to get the opportunity to meet Brian personally. I can say only one thing about him: one of the nicest dudes I have ever met. Thank you for that you did for me.

BF is turning 40 this year, but it looks like aging does not affect him at all. He still rips eastcoast trails like noone, always smooth and stylish, just dialed. Brian Foster is true trails legend of all time, no doubt. – Paul

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Mountain Biking

This image amused me a lot. I had to share it. How many people it has something like this?

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Czech spotcheck a tak vůbec..

V živelný diskuzi u Rubenova příspěvku o zahradě Aleše Handzela se narazilo na téma, který bych rád dále rozvedl. Objevil se tam podnět, že by se tenhle web měl věnovat taky český scéně, českým spotům. Ne že bychom to neměli také v plánu, nicméně mě to vedlo k zamyšlení.

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